Peggy’s Cove and Lobster Rolls! | Delaney and Chad’s Post Elopement Day Portrait Session

September 5, 2023

Peggy’s Cove is an iconic site in Nova Scotia, you can’t come here and not see an infamous lighthouse, amirite?? 

Delaney and Chad had really wanted some lighthouse shots for their elopement day earlier in the week in Cape Breton (see their full elopement HERE), but since we couldn’t make that happen we all piled into the Fox Mobile and took a little road trip to Peggy’s Cove! It’s a pretty popular spot in Summer, but we made our way through the crowds and climbed some big ol’ rocks to see the rugged oceans views, and hear those waves splash against the coast. Plus, we saw that lovely lighthouse!

Peggy’s Cove isn’t just a lighthouse surrounded by rocks and views, though. It’s a quaint little fishing village with tons of adorable local culture, artisanship, and FOOOOD. Our favorite thing! We puttered around the little shops, took in the boaty views, and landed at a fan favorite: Tom’s Lobster Shack

We ended off the session with an adorable quadruple lobster roll date outside with the picnic tables, the birdies, and lovely hangs with some wonderful humans.

See it all below!


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