Clam Harbour Beach | Post Wedding Session with Chelsea and Alex

September 18, 2023

Remember all the amazing things we had to say about Chelsea and Alex’s incredible wedding day? (SEE IT HERE) WELL after those insanely dope 12 hours of coverage, we 4 got together the next day for another insanely dope 1.5 hours at Clam Harbour Beach. This is where they got engaged, and this is where they wanted to have their post-wedding day portrait session. 

They got all dolled up once again, and although Alex was on corset duty, I was called into to help for the final extra squeezing bits! Sometimes many hands are required for corsets, they are wondrous things which require equal parts grace and struggle, lol. 

Naturally the bugs were out in full force, but once we got the actual sandy beach, the evening was nothing short of perfection. The tide was out, the sunset was unbelievable, and the reflections in the wet sand were just jaw-dropping. We walked the length of the beach, found the log where they got engaged, explored the rocks, and frolicked in the waves. 

We are huge believers in embracing nature, in whatever form that takes. There are many out there who don’t want to get their wedding dress dirty, but we say do it! Experiences are worth more than things, and dresses can always be cleaned. Chelsea and Alex totally embraced the ocean waves and ran together hand in hand, laughing and giggling and getting dirty. Chelsea has her mermaid moment, and it was utterly beautiful.

The sun shone on their faces, the sky was in full drama bloom, and the love was dang evident. 

So grateful we got to hang with those two beautiful humans for a second day in a row! 

And we got to give them THESE. 


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