McNabb’s Island Adventure | Danielle and Andi’s epic Fall Elopement

January 4, 2023

It’s one of our favourite things, to help a couple from another country experience the magic of Nova Scotia for their elopement. Danielle and Andi came up from Boston and had the most beautiful high tea picnic and boat adventure to McNabb’s Island.

It was incredibly special.

Not only because they are super cool, funny, and dope humans, but because their love for one another is so deep, so evident, and so beautiful. And to top it all off, I got to officiate their ceremony and it was the most heart-warming thing I’ve ever done. 

They started off the day at Sir Sanford Fleming Park with a delightfully catered high tea picnic, cute tea cups, finger sandwiches, and tiny desserts to boot! Followed by a walk in the park next to the ocean, we headed to the dock for a really awesome boat crossing to the island.

A tiny hiccup happened, where the original captain they booked had an accident and wasn’t able to ferry us on over, but we luckily found another awesome Captain (Captain Greybeard!). He was so kind, he met us in less than an hours notice and sang some diddies along the the ride. And on the way back, he brought his wife and she gave Danielle and Andi AMAZING seagrass she had found! She regularly collects it and she had a giant bag, letting them pick out their favourite pieces. It was perfect. 

We explored the island, the forests, the colours, the abandoned houses, and had the most gorgeous ceremony in the golden light under some fallen trees (nature’s arch!) overlooking the rocky shore. They shared such meaningful vows, cried tears of joy, and committed themselves for life. It was an honour to perform the ceremony and pronounce them married partners, and I’ll never ever forget it. 

They walked on a pebbled beach, listening to the ocean waves, with an old piece of wreckage here and there popping out of the water. Holding hands, and so full of love.



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